Monday, April 27, 2009

i hate working for more than 13 hrs,

but there's peace in my heart, and something that tells me it's gonna be okay. Labour day's coming soon, and i'm gonna be so free to study, hehe.

I think I have already lost the artistic side of me, when all do is writing poetry, browsing art paintings, finding a good deviantart pix, visit nature, listening to music, play slow jazz and crazy rock on the drums, in a studio by the beach.

That phase is over, now i enjoy a call to my sis or close friends, mom's cooking, being with my family, waiting for bro to come home, listen to instrumental music/sermons, and lying on the bed talking to God till i fall asleep.

What's up with me.


::sklc:: said...

that's just when you're working... wait till you're married, have kids etc... well, it's about shifting focus away from self to others... is it all good in the end? A BIG YES! because we were not created to be alone... though we may have to sacrifice stuff we really really really like to do... :) cheers!

Victor said...

Thanks Sara. yar, it's kinda surprising to find real good satisfaction in focusing away from self to others.

all de in ur studies man =)