Yesterday (sat) was quite tiring, slept 3 hrs after long chat with sis & have to wake up - to show up for work. After work I decided that this day would be an exception, I will buy things for myself, for the 1st time this year.
I realised I never buy things for myself; new clothes come from Birthday gifts (no new clothes during CNY), hypermarket - to pick up groceries & hang thoughts (yeah, like hanging clothes, in a way); my old clothes, as long as they weren't qualified to be floor mat, would be my favourite suit. My room - bro's SPM chair, rusty table from nowhere. My Samsonite work bag, given by ex-company's associate director, not as a gift but leftover. My favourite sling bag's (my only sling bag also) "metal holder" just broke last night too, after about 4-5 yrs use, i think.
Funnily, i'm not thrifty & i'm far from looking for gifts. Just that i don't find it remotely amazing to get many new stuff, or to look good. I just get what I need
, and yesterday i needed an exception.
So I went to Jusco Tebrau, got myself 3 good books and a deco 'flower pail' (for the office desk), and the urge to make an exception stopped.
First book
2nd book
Hope i smell the roses more..
and that's how it will look if my blog is viewed in "mosaic"
Interesting books :) We should get together and go book hunting someday!
The coffee table book looks cute! Can I join the book hunting too! (or maybe book sharing! :D) Save money. hehe.
can can.. when u're back la, mr C. believe it or not, those 3 books only costs me RM24!
It's those popular discount ones rite? (but so sad, nice designs sell so cheap. =/) I always go Bras Basah to get 2nd hand ones, sometimes 1 or 2 dollar only. (:
yep.. i guess not everybody appreciates those books..
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