有快有慢, 时间却一样长
三月尾过了, 期望一场空
向天敞开, 不寻找
开始行走, 奔跑...
写了烂诗后心好暖, lol.
没话说吗, 还是把words留在心里...
I wish words could be like a second heart,
心音. =)
last week 朋友告诉我, 她告诉她的 friend that 她有一个 friend 会打鼓, 却也写诗, 人蛮静, 却又会讲笑. 让她的 friends 惊讶 a bit.
是很奇怪... 但还是要接受自己吧.... 这世上会不会有类似的女人呢, thought about this a long time... maybe not.. 可能.. 没关系啦. 现在过的日子也很开心 =)
好想继续写, 心里还有好多话说, 肯听的朋友们最近好忙...
My heart bursts its banks, spilling beauty and goodness. I pour it out in a poem to the king, shaping the river into words.. (Ps 45:1)
Monday, March 31, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
woah, especially tired.. came home half an hour later than usual, 12.15am.. the traffic is heavy, have to walk all the way from woodlands...
get to enjoy some quiet time while walking on causeway though, nice cool air, sea waves lapping incessantly.
Walking fast but everything seemed so still, as if I'm caught up in little details in this big masterpiece.
Oh, 2 months to exam, feeling the stress...
Need to sleep, zzz... Next thurs going to Kluang to give drum workshop, heh heh....
last night went online on messenger, long time didn't go online, then get to chat with some friends, surprisingly get to talk about deep stuffs with some, went to sleep feeling great, heh.
get to enjoy some quiet time while walking on causeway though, nice cool air, sea waves lapping incessantly.
Walking fast but everything seemed so still, as if I'm caught up in little details in this big masterpiece.
Oh, 2 months to exam, feeling the stress...
Need to sleep, zzz... Next thurs going to Kluang to give drum workshop, heh heh....
last night went online on messenger, long time didn't go online, then get to chat with some friends, surprisingly get to talk about deep stuffs with some, went to sleep feeling great, heh.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
虽然是只需要选一个, 但我最喜欢的是 3 , followed by 4 and 9.
嗯, 不再想了, 勇往直前.
答案 :
1 .无忧无 虑, 顽皮,愉快的人你喜 欢自由自在,无拘无束的生活
你好奇心旺盛,对新事物抱有 开放的态 度;你向往改变, 讨厌束缚 。
你觉 得身边的 环境都不断在变,而且 经常为 你带来惊喜。
2.独立,前卫 ,不受拘束
你的工作及消闲活 动都与艺术 有关。
你对于自由的 渴求有时候会使你做出令人出人意表的事。
3.时 常自我反省 , 敏感的思想家
你对于自己及四周的环境能 够比一般人控制得更好更彻 底。
你讨厌 表面化及肤浅的 东西;你宁愿独自一人也不愿跟别人 闲谈,但你
跟朋友的关系却非常深入,这 令你的心境保持和谐安逸。
你不介意长时间独自一人,而且 绝少会觉得沉 闷。
4.务实, 头脑清醒,和 谐
你作风自然,喜 欢简单的 东西。
人们 欣赏你脚踏 实地,他们觉得你 稳重,值 得信赖。
你能够给予身 边的人安全感,你给人一 种亲切,温暖的感觉 。
你对 于俗气的,花花绿绿的 东西都不屑一顾, 对时装潮流抱着怀疑的 态度;
对于你来说,衣服必 须是实用及大方得体的。
5.专业 ,实 事求事,自信
你以实际,简单的方式去解决 问题。
你对日常生活中所遇到的事物抱有现实的睇法,并且能 够应付自如。
人们知道你可担重任,因此都放心把大量工作交 给你处理。
你那坚强的意志使你 时刻都充满信心。
未达到自己的目标之前,你 绝不罢休。
6.温和,谨 慎,无攻击 性
你很容易认识朋友,但同 时享受你的私人时间 及独立生活。
有时 候,你会从人群中抽身而出,一个人静静地思考生活的意义,并自 娱一番。
你需要个人的空间 ,因此有时会 隐匿于美梦当中,但你并不是一个爱 孤独的人。
你跟自己及这 个世界都能够和 陆共处,而你 对现状亦非常满 意。
7. 具分析力,可靠,自信
你对 事物的灵敏度令你可以发现到旁人忽略了的 东西。
这 些就是你的宝石,你喜欢发掘 这些美好的东 西。
你的教养对 于你的生活有很特别的影响。
你有自己高雅独特的一套,无视任何 时装潮流。
你的理想生活是优 雅而愉快的,而你亦希望跟你接触的人们都是高雅而有教 养的。
8.浪漫,爱 幻想,情绪化
你是一个感性的人。你拒绝只从一个 严肃,理智的角度去理解事物。
你的感觉亦十分重要。事实 上,你觉得人生必需要有梦想才叫活得充 实。
你不接受那些轻视 浪漫主义及被理智 牵着鼻子走的人;
9.精力充沛,好动 ,外向
你最兴奋的是可以 积极参与任何比赛 活动,因 为这样你就可以在众人面前大显 身手
嗯, 不再想了, 勇往直前.
答案 :
1 .无忧无 虑, 顽皮,愉快的人你喜 欢自由自在,无拘无束的生活
你好奇心旺盛,对新事物抱有 开放的态 度;你向往改变, 讨厌束缚 。
你觉 得身边的 环境都不断在变,而且 经常为 你带来惊喜。
2.独立,前卫 ,不受拘束
你的工作及消闲活 动都与艺术 有关。
你对于自由的 渴求有时候会使你做出令人出人意表的事。
3.时 常自我反省 , 敏感的思想家
你对于自己及四周的环境能 够比一般人控制得更好更彻 底。
你讨厌 表面化及肤浅的 东西;你宁愿独自一人也不愿跟别人 闲谈,但你
跟朋友的关系却非常深入,这 令你的心境保持和谐安逸。
你不介意长时间独自一人,而且 绝少会觉得沉 闷。
4.务实, 头脑清醒,和 谐
你作风自然,喜 欢简单的 东西。
人们 欣赏你脚踏 实地,他们觉得你 稳重,值 得信赖。
你能够给予身 边的人安全感,你给人一 种亲切,温暖的感觉 。
你对 于俗气的,花花绿绿的 东西都不屑一顾, 对时装潮流抱着怀疑的 态度;
对于你来说,衣服必 须是实用及大方得体的。
5.专业 ,实 事求事,自信
你以实际,简单的方式去解决 问题。
你对日常生活中所遇到的事物抱有现实的睇法,并且能 够应付自如。
人们知道你可担重任,因此都放心把大量工作交 给你处理。
你那坚强的意志使你 时刻都充满信心。
未达到自己的目标之前,你 绝不罢休。
6.温和,谨 慎,无攻击 性
你很容易认识朋友,但同 时享受你的私人时间 及独立生活。
有时 候,你会从人群中抽身而出,一个人静静地思考生活的意义,并自 娱一番。
你需要个人的空间 ,因此有时会 隐匿于美梦当中,但你并不是一个爱 孤独的人。
你跟自己及这 个世界都能够和 陆共处,而你 对现状亦非常满 意。
7. 具分析力,可靠,自信
你对 事物的灵敏度令你可以发现到旁人忽略了的 东西。
这 些就是你的宝石,你喜欢发掘 这些美好的东 西。
你的教养对 于你的生活有很特别的影响。
你有自己高雅独特的一套,无视任何 时装潮流。
你的理想生活是优 雅而愉快的,而你亦希望跟你接触的人们都是高雅而有教 养的。
8.浪漫,爱 幻想,情绪化
你是一个感性的人。你拒绝只从一个 严肃,理智的角度去理解事物。
你的感觉亦十分重要。事实 上,你觉得人生必需要有梦想才叫活得充 实。
你不接受那些轻视 浪漫主义及被理智 牵着鼻子走的人;
9.精力充沛,好动 ,外向
你最兴奋的是可以 积极参与任何比赛 活动,因 为这样你就可以在众人面前大显 身手
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Drum workshop @ PJ
went to this drum workshop in KL, brought jesmond along, really nice, learn a lot a lot of stuffs from the professionals & leading drum clinician in south east asia... 13 drum sets in that hall.. watched altered frequency performed 8 songs, very tight and really good sound.
no time to write abt it now.. put up some pix..
no time to write abt it now.. put up some pix..
Monday, March 17, 2008
忙 / 盲?
好多东西做; 读书, 上课, 学鼓, 教鼓, 想鼓, 听音乐, 看音乐, 想音乐, 照顾人, 担心, 做梦.
不知为什么, 总觉得活得跟普通人不一样, 比别人慢一拍.
一直放不下自己, 期待明天以为会有更好吃的玛娜.
神还是给同样味道的, 我也渐渐吃腻吗?
不知为什么, 总觉得活得跟普通人不一样, 比别人慢一拍.
一直放不下自己, 期待明天以为会有更好吃的玛娜.
神还是给同样味道的, 我也渐渐吃腻吗?
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Pastors' conference
Some pix i took from Kher Lun's facebook photo album.. the trip that i went together wif bilingual wmm to the Chinese Pastors' conference @ KL @ 11 March (tues), 5 days before live recording concert.. Palace of the golden horses. very nice hotel, super big..
the conference is huge, 200+ churches with their pastors.. altogether abot 1200-1600 ppl, an estimation..
not bad la, played an all chinese P&W.. musical instruments n PA handled by Designer Music.. so quite good, equipment-wise.. the lightning & smoke are very professional...
pastors all P&W together does feel a bit diff, the presence of God is felt very strongly and altar call is the very serious type, though we were asked to play hillsong's "here to eternity" (fast song) for altar call, lol..
last time used to be very nervous going on stage to play drums, then will make some mistakes.. now not nervous, but still made some mistakes, lol.
had fun, with the kids, i mean teenagers... hanging ard, fooling ard a bit, me being the only dunno-english-or-bilingual-guy..
ok, let the pics speak for themselves. some pix r taken at the toll where we had lunch.
**oh ya, i know me with the 70's shirt + the suit makes me looked like a vely vely chinese uncle going to Genting Casino.
Serving God really brings me to places.
the conference is huge, 200+ churches with their pastors.. altogether abot 1200-1600 ppl, an estimation..
not bad la, played an all chinese P&W.. musical instruments n PA handled by Designer Music.. so quite good, equipment-wise.. the lightning & smoke are very professional...
pastors all P&W together does feel a bit diff, the presence of God is felt very strongly and altar call is the very serious type, though we were asked to play hillsong's "here to eternity" (fast song) for altar call, lol..
last time used to be very nervous going on stage to play drums, then will make some mistakes.. now not nervous, but still made some mistakes, lol.
had fun, with the kids, i mean teenagers... hanging ard, fooling ard a bit, me being the only dunno-english-or-bilingual-guy..
ok, let the pics speak for themselves. some pix r taken at the toll where we had lunch.
**oh ya, i know me with the 70's shirt + the suit makes me looked like a vely vely chinese uncle going to Genting Casino.
Serving God really brings me to places.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Drums all day
saturday's gospel station was quite good, very nice programs and christian video, though members didn't bring new friends, but get to bond with them by playing some really fun basketball after that.. Yi Le fell sick and was suspected of dengue fever, he called me n i prayed, later on my another member volunteered to pray too, so so surprised.. then next day Yi Le was fine, even came to church for service, praise God.
slept early, prepare for the grueling sunday.
woke up at 2am, thinking that it's already 6am, then woke up again at 5am..
practice drums still about 7am, then prepare to go church. sunday.
played for the album promotion for chinese & bilingual services, attended chinese service.
ate at about 10am, home-cooked macaroni. practice for pastors' conference at canaan hall, then went upstairs for the teenz album prac.. played so many songs, but was well-prepared, so i'm glad that i played ok, got few more things to work on. played all songs twice..
real exhausted after that. go home bath n eat, then go another church give free drum workshop.
today played so much drums, so much noise that my ears were ringing for a while, then slight headache, stress n noise. Played equivalent to about 40 songs, so so many...
40 songs is ok, but to have the metronome clicking in my head for 28 songs takes up so much energy + the drum set in sanctuary that was set up in a way that is very straining for the hands n legs. felt like i was playing 200 songs non-stop.
Praise God for everything, album seems to be looking good at the moment.
gotha rest, gotha sleep..
slept early, prepare for the grueling sunday.
woke up at 2am, thinking that it's already 6am, then woke up again at 5am..
practice drums still about 7am, then prepare to go church. sunday.
played for the album promotion for chinese & bilingual services, attended chinese service.
ate at about 10am, home-cooked macaroni. practice for pastors' conference at canaan hall, then went upstairs for the teenz album prac.. played so many songs, but was well-prepared, so i'm glad that i played ok, got few more things to work on. played all songs twice..
real exhausted after that. go home bath n eat, then go another church give free drum workshop.
today played so much drums, so much noise that my ears were ringing for a while, then slight headache, stress n noise. Played equivalent to about 40 songs, so so many...
40 songs is ok, but to have the metronome clicking in my head for 28 songs takes up so much energy + the drum set in sanctuary that was set up in a way that is very straining for the hands n legs. felt like i was playing 200 songs non-stop.
Praise God for everything, album seems to be looking good at the moment.
gotha rest, gotha sleep..
Friday, March 07, 2008
drum shed
the organiser asked us to advertise it. I'm going, take public transport up there then watch till song already then come back..
already missed the last 50-hour marathon thing because of teenz concert.. i must not miss this,,. must see lewis pragasam play!!! =P
this month is like drum month.. 11 mar go KL play in pastors' conference @ golden horses palace or something like that.. 16 mar is live recording... 17 mar is drum clinic near my college..and 20 mar is another drum shed session in PJ... coupled with studies.. dunno why things always crop up more as age goes by..
waiting to go, someplace else.
Monday, March 03, 2008
The last hour
teenz live recording concert coming soon.. after prac, realised that drums got a lot to work on, was really really blur during the previous prac, played like a no-brainer. This week gotha spend my free time burying in tons of music and worship, and metronome nightmare..
today took 3 hours to get home.. tired...
today took 3 hours to get home.. tired...
Sunday, March 02, 2008
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