Sunday, November 16, 2014


I just watched the movie "interstellar" with my fiance, it's this movie about astronauts finding new planets suitable for humans due to the earth will soon become inhabitable. There's one part of the movie where the main character gets sucked into the black hole and went into the 5th dimension where he is able to vaguely try to communicate to his daughter on earth in the past to pass a message that could save mankind. HAHA sounds far-fetched but it's a great deep long movie.

I got me thinking about time, how we were made to live in this non-stoppable treadmill which can only move forward, how our human minds can fathom and differentiate the past & present, and what are memories. Have you ever wondered that God has given us the gift of a brilliant mind that can specifically chronologically remember things and how a day goes, it would be havoc if our minds somehow can't put things in order and we would confuse when & what has happened, or remember them.

It is mind-blowing for me to think that God controls time. He sees the beginning and end of it, and all that is between. All the little humans, their joys and troubles, and they pass away and their souls transcend into His dimension of eternity. There's no real conclusion to this thought. just a mind wandering about the perception of time and also feet back to the ground to me in this small world of the daily people I meet, the people I love, my fiance, my family, colleagues and the work and the expectations and the life to live.

Why do I post the video above, cos it reminds me who I need most, that even when my time is up, I will always remember the God I know since my childhood, is an intimate & loving God.