Thursday, February 16, 2012

Help me believe

It was nine when I leave the office, stepping out into the cold night, walking towards the car and remembered the tears. Wiped off the after rain mist and drifted into dreams. The seven year old drove the newly twenty seven year old car home, with wrinkled hands of sea salt he steers gently off the end of road into the sea, changes into the 3rd shift and lifts his wings slowly, steadily towards the sky. High up as the night grows dimmer it gets less lonely as the other cars stopped and looked and laughed, a kind of hearty happy growl you would expect from a car engine as they knew it's time. Time to open their doors as their drivers' hearts light up in the chilly wind. The light flickers and flutters, it grew into a warm flow of lightness and lifts its master like a flower seed following the music of the steady wind.

All i see now is dozens of light lines flowing like streams just below the moon, just below the belly of the second sky.

Take me back to the time
When I was maybe eight or nine
And I believed
When Jesus walked on waters blue
And if He helped me, I could too
If I believed

Before rationale, analysis and systematic thinking
Robbed me of a sweet simplicity
When wonders and when mysteries
Were far less often silly dreams
And childhood fantasies

Help me believe
'Cause I don't want to miss any miracles
Maybe I'd see much better by closing my eyes
And I would shed this grownup skin I'm in
To touch an angel's wing
And I would be free
Help me believe

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