Friday, January 19, 2007

Mr Ting

He has this straight smile, puppet type, that is funny in a cheeky way.

Pastor Ting, hee..

TOnight's david warrior camp was ok, he talked about serving God with joy, which applied to me a lot as i tend to get jaded n discouraged after serving for a while. He helped to put things back into the correct perspective..

It's amazing that humans are not so much affected by circumstances but through perspectives, how we see things in our own way..

I always hoped that i can see the bigger picture in life, the wider view on how the jigsaw puzzle fits..

now listening to lincoln brewster's Let The Praises Ring 2006..

it's really different, listening to christian worship songs compared to listening progressive rock/jazz/fusion/mainstream music this morning... probably the awesome-ness of connecting with your maker n best friend.

i really wonder the day i die or when Christ comes, when each of us will stand before him personally n give an account, and the reality of him becomes so real, the God of universe, the God who created every single individual with their unique personalities.. the same big God that hears my every thought, that listens to me playing drums every weekend, the same God n friend that hears my cry in a dark corner. The God that walks with me everytime i stroll in a fading beach when salty winds blow against my lone shadow.

i will be standing before him, face to face. maybe having a conversation..

And he is real.

i'll just hug him n cry..

k la, little kid is tired. tomorrow gotha go church at 8am, now 2am.. sweet dreams..

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