Monday, April 23, 2007


heh heh, when i thought weekends couldn't be more tiring, then came the last weekend. My friend got stuck at s'pore custom at friday midnight n i hve to go there & drive the car for him. It was the 1st time i'm driving in s'pore, and i ended up going home at 4+am. slept for a few hours and the busiest day of the week began - saturday.


on sunday, the P&W session was nice, i enjoyed playing 'How Great Is Our God' n stuffs.
went 'yam cha' with a good friend after giving tuition to form 3 students (i'm the occasional replacement teacher), and we talked loads. (argh, i missed wmm meeting's fun ice-breaker n boon fei's message!)

we chatted.. how times have changed and I am no longer teenager. Getting old n busy.. started teaching a lot n playing a different role now. Don't know why, i feel so 'everywhere' but nowhere, teenz, tnt, itc, english service, bilingual service, cbc; the feeling of exclusion, when things or events end, gone is the strong sense of belonging. ..

i recall teenz P&W last sat, where there was a time of waiting upon the Lord, very little music/noise.. everybody was quiet n worshipful. and the worship leader said: "God never forgets you". instantly tears of relief n love welled up n trickled down that forlorn soul standing right behind everybody.. like the comfort of a sincere hug, an unchanging promise of love..

why does he reek of lorn thoughts? probably because he saw people moving forward, going away, and felt excluded from all the good things intended in life.
how will he end up in the future? who knows.


few days ago went to rockschool seminar by Jeremy Ward from UK, attempted a mock exam on grade 6, gotten great reviews n learned quite a lot from his presentation, unique teaching n comments.

-going to Batam prayer conference with parents, 30 may-4 april (mon-fri), will be back in time for tnt cell. connecting wif God kaw kaw..

just bought this using bro's money.. the sound is so awesome.. =]

the subwoofer tower is more than a feet high, as wide as my fully-stretched palm. =P ok, mayb i'm 'sua gu', heh

used it to play 'pursuit of happyness' instrumental soundtracks, soooo nice.....

tribute to VT students, those who left without saying goodbye.

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