Tuesday, October 09, 2007

8 weeks

8 weeks to my exam... thinking about the dreams below (the prev. entry), hmm.. maybe it'll be nice even if i can only experience one of them. Wanted to climb mount kinabalu alone, but cost is always higher if one goes without company. sigh.. a bit hard to find ppl to go with me cos my timing siao-siao wan, i have exams when everybody's having holidays & vice versa.

..probably will go stay at my bro's place if i want to see melbourne next yr.. he should be leaving at Feb, taking up Degree in Music @ Mel U.
borrowed from esplanade library - Diana Krall live in Paris DVD, heh, should be nice. my main entertainment centre, get to borrow all the original dvds of movies, concerts & sitcoms.
opps, gtg, they're gonna use the place for lecture..


Philip Pang said...

Rather leave a comment la. Oh yes! Dian Krall!

Philip Pang said...
