Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The day a mind speaks

If there is something i would like to do really well (besides studies) is to take great unedited natural light portraits and black & whites, and to pick up the people left behind.

Happen to have a 50 cent australian coin beside me, reminds me of my bro everytime i see it.

was sick, took MC and stayed home all day (almost) and watched Eat, Pray, Love. How much I missed the better movies in the past. Intelligent quotes and musings don't make up enough for puffed up contemporary content.

Need to learn to stand on my feet in workplace because greater responsibilities may be coming.

Gosh i'm so hungry intellectually and artistically. I could use a dream vacation, spend a day learning landscape painting, half day composing modern prose/poetry, 2 days learning to bake french pastry and cook chinese cuisine, 3 days drumming with a jazz and pop band, 5 sunset evenings honing my windsurfing followed by al-fresco dining and listening to live classical music in Prague, 1 day learning basics of photography, join a book club in C.S. Lewis & Emily Dickinson writings, and have study friends in revising accountancy.

I don't complete paragraphs or thoughts or actions anymore, everything seems so random and unlinked. Ideas seems disillusioned, there is no meaning in forming an opinion anymore.

Probably i'm tired and need more rest while still sick. Lightly ignoring the weekday role as an exec, learning n learning to lead.

No, not. I just missed older days when there is no need for Gmail buzz, twitter nor Facebook. Besides family & God, there is no substitute for face to face conversations with old friends.

Now, not influence, not even substance. Nothing out of the circle of family seem to matter anymore.

I am drowning in reconnaissance desire of an undulated Ecclesiastes mood. Even if there is a cure, there seem to be no meaningful definition of spiritual nor secular normalcy.


Esther said...

Wah, didn't know you want to learn to paint! So cool! And all the things in your dream vacation sounded like Pride and Prejudice, Miss Porter those era the atas people will do. haha.

Nods head vigorously to all you've written. ahhh!
We need another renaissance period to revive and rebirth the classical periods!!! wahaha.

Maybe this is a time for your own "renaissance" and oh yeah great breakthrough comes after that. weee! (:

essay writing submission. lol

ahfei said...

2 great artist.. both use big words "reconnaissance" and "renaissance".. which i need to search in the internet to learn its meaning.. but hey, great to learn from ur writing and learn new words...

well, Ecclesiastes ended saying that the conclusion "is to fear God and keep His commandments" so of all the things we do and can do.. remember to put God in the picture - put Him 1st.. then all meaning will its place...

Victor said...

thanks.. both of you..

i think i'll continue writing again...