Thursday, May 01, 2008

The path blazer - excellent reading material

Mom recommended me to read this book which has been published freely in the internet, i read a few pages n find it sincere & encouraging. nice.. will read it after my exam. it's about this lady in the late 1800's to 1900's who had a very close walk with God and is the one who led to first pentecostal outpouring in 1906..

first published in 1962. Now for the first time the entire volume is available on the Internet. Last year - 2006 - marked the 100th anniversary of the modern-day outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It thus seems fitting for this volume to appear at this time in this form so that a new internet-based audience might learn from Martha Wing Robinson's remarkable experience and life and, as Gordon Gardiner wrote in the preface, "be encouraged and inspired to go on ( to find) Jesus Christ in all His fullness."

Click down here ------->
Radiant Glory - the life of Martha Wing Robinson
by Gordon P. Gardiner is the only existent biography of a relatively unknown woman who lived in the mid-West at the turn of the 20th century. Gordon P. Gardiner spent over 20 years writing this account of Martha Wing Robinson's life, drawing from personal remembrances as a boy and young man in Illinois, many interviews with her closest associates, sheaves of correspondence, and notes and dictations of her talks.

Martha Wing Robinson was born in 1874, converted in 1898, healed of several severe maladies under the ministry of John Alexander Dowie, and was then led by God into the Pentecostal outpouring in 1906. A great hunger and thirst for more of Jesus welled up in her soul and, in November of 1907, after months of intense prayer, Jesus granted her heart's desire: The resurrected Christ took possession of her - body and soul and spirit - to a much greater degree than what most Christians today believe is possible. (see chapter 24)

...There is a natural tendency in all but the most discerning believers to look for and make much of the spectacular, wanting to hear about dreams and visions, angelic visitations and such like. There is little of that here. The book tells only a small portion of Mrs. Robinson's personal experiences. Mrs. Robinson kept many of her experiences and understandings in strict confidence between herself and her Lord. But with things hinted at in public or spoken of in hushed tones by her associates, truly it can said that the half has not been told in this book and is known now only to the saints above and the Lord whom she loved.

But the simplicity of Mrs. Robinson's teaching to always love and obey Jesus, to abide in Him moment by moment, was accompanied by powerful demonstrations of all the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Those who had the privilege of hearing her teach or receiving her letters knew that it was the Lord Himself ministering through her.

And now, thanks to the meticulous work and determination of Gordon Gardiner, she being dead, yet speaketh to us....


"Well, no doubt, if there were less self-life, the Holy Ghost would have been poured out in greater power. I have con­fidence in God that He will perfect that which concerneth me, and that the time will come that not only will I have the ‘well of water springing up into everlasting life’ (which I now have, praise His name), but the flow shall be so strong and the channel so free and unimpeded by self that ‘rivers of living waters’ shall flow out for the good of others. Sometimes I say, ‘O Lord, how long!’ but yet I know He is working as fast as I can receive."

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